2025- Pennsylvania Poetry Society - 73st Annual Contest
Submissions MUST be postmarked September 1, 2024 thru November 30, 2024
Deadline to Enter: November 30, 2024 (postmarked)

2025 PPS Contest Brochure (.pdf)

See Contest Brochure for complete competition rules.


Deadline/Mailing: Entries must be postmarked between September 1, 2024, and November 30, 2024. Send by first class mail to:
Pennsylvania Poetry Society Annual Contest
c/o Ann Copeland, 330 Powell Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601
Qualifications: Each poem entered:
* Must be the contestant's original work - centos are not original work.
* Must not be published in any form
* Must not be reproduced and distributed in any form, except in workshops.
* No simultaneous submissions.
* May be submitted in only one category.
Entry Limits: * Up to 5 poems may be submitted in Grand Prize Awardbut only one prize per entrant.
* Only one poem may be submitted in each contest (see Grand Prize Award exception).
Entry Fees: Make checks payable, in U.S. Funds, to Pennsylvania Poetry Society, Inc or PPS, Inc. – insufficient fees will disqualify the entry.
For PPS Members: * Grand Prize Award: $2 per poem.
* All contests except the Grand Prize Award: $1 per poem, $10 max. if entering more than 10.
For Non-Members of PPS: * $3 per poem. * non-members who join by November 30, 2024 (postmark) may pay the PPS member entry fees. * for membership information, visit PPS online: http://www.nfsps.com/Pennsylvania-Poetry-Society
Entry Format: All poems must be:
* Titledfor non-titled forms, use the form in quotes as your title, example “haiku.”
* Typed in English, use 12 pt Times New Roman font.
* On one side of 8 1/2” x 11” plain white paper Submit one original and one copy or photocopy:
* Type contest name at upper left of both copies
* On one copy only, at the upper right, put your name, address, email address, and whether you are a PPS member or non-member
* Except as required by category, any comments or writing on the unidentified judge's copy will disqualify the poem.
NOTE: Do not enter poems that are under consideration elsewhere in another contest or under consideration for publication. Enclose a separate cover
sheet stating:
* Your name, address, email address, and whether you are a PPS member or non-member.
* The name of contest entered
* The title of poem entered in each contest.
* If you wish to receive an award certificate should your entry win a cash prizeaward certificates will only be issued to those requesting them. Poem length/line widthpoems with more lines or longer lines will be disqualified:
* Grand Prize Award: Line limit: Poems have a 50 line limit which includes title, epigraphs, quotes, footnotes, and all lines and spaces between stanzas and text.
Line width: 60 characters per line including spaces between words and characters at the end of the line, includes epigraphs, footnotes, etc.
* All contests except the Grand Prize Award:  
Line limit: Unless specified by form or category requirement, all submissions have a 36 line limit which includes title, epigraphs, quotes, footnotes, and all lines and blank spaces between stanzas and text. A “blank / no text” line after the title must be included on your entry.
Line width: 60 characters per line including spaces between words and characters at the end of the line, includes epigraphs, footnotes, etc. Blank spaces before lines of centered poems are considered as character spaces.