The National Federation
of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) is a non-profit organization,
exclusively educational and
literary. Its purpose is
to recognize
the importance of poetry with respect to national cultural
heritage. It is dedicated
solely to the furtherance of poetry on
the national level and serves to unite poets in the bonds of
fellowship and
understanding.The emblem of the Federation is the Athenian Greek coin
insignia that appears on all NFSPS publications
and has been
incorporated into the design of the medal (see above) which is
presented to NFSPS presidents
at the end of their terms.
The members of the Federation are members of an NFSPS
affiliated state organization. Any poet wishing to
know the
location of his or her state society may contact NFSPS for this
information. Send a business-sized
SASE to:
Julie Cummings
9428 Fallen Rock Road
Conifer, Colorado 80433
Honorary Chancellor - TBA
Executive Board: The Executive Board shall be comprised of all elected
officers of the NFSPS and the immediate past president. This body
shall serve as the governing body of NFSPS. [NFSPS Bylaws, Article
VI-Executive Board, Section A.]
Elective Board
President: Joseph Cavanaugh, 3722 Longford Cir Ormond
Beach, FL
1st Vice President: Steven Concert, 49 Kitchen Ave, Harveys Lake,
PA 18618
Finance Committee Chair
2nd Vice President: Jessica Temple, 103 2nd Ave SW Fort Walton
Beach, FL 32548
College Undergraduate Poetry Competition Chair
3rd Vice President: JoAn Howerton, 2020 Armstrong Mill Rd., Apt, 1903,
Lexington KY 40515
Special Awards Chair
4th Vice President: Peter Steinb(address and email not available
Chancellor: M. Palowski Moore
1st Vice Chancellor: Kevin Campbell
2nd Vice Chancellor: Susann Moeller
Treasurer: Linda Harris, 49512 SE Weber Rd, Sandy, OR 97055-7425
Secretary: Polly Opsahl, 7316 Huntington, Oscoda, MI 48750
Manningham Trust Competition Chair
Immediate Past President: Paul Ford
Presidential Advisors Chair, Learning Central
Appointive Board
Strophes Editor: Julie Cummings, 9428 Fallen Rock Road, Conifer,
CO 80433
Board Liason to State Societies:Russell H. Strauss 18 S. Rembert,
St. Memphis, TN 38104
Judges Chair: M. Palowski Moore
Encore Editor: Kathy Cotton, 1019 Applewood Lane, Anna, IL 62906
Historian: Nancy Baass, 408 E. Warren AVE., Victoria, TX
Legal Councelor and Parliamentarian: Susan Stevens Chambers, 57310
166th Lane, Good Thunder, MN 56037
Librarian: Catherine L'Herisson, 518 Grinnell Drive, Garland, TX
75043 -
Poetry Day/Poetry Month Liaison: Amy Jo Zook, 3520 State Rd. 56,
Mechanicsburg, OH 43044
Publicity Chair: Bernadette Perez, 19645 Hwy 314 Belen NM 87002
Stevens Manuscript Competition Co-Chair: Eleanor Berry, 2230 SE
Laura Lane, Dallas, OR 97338
Strophes Associate Editor: Julie K. Shavin
Youth Chair: Jessica Temple
For Questions about please concact
Past NFSPS Presidents:
*Cecilia Parsons Miller, *Clinton Larson, *Robert D. West, *Edna
Meudt, *Marvin Davis Winsett, *Max Golightly, *Hans Juergensen,
*Russell Ferrall, *Jean Jenkins, *Catherine Case Lubbe, *Glenn
Swetman, *Carl Morton, *Alice Briley, *Wauneta Hackleman, *Jack
Murphy, *Barbara Stevens, *Henrietta Kroah, *Jerry Robbins, Pat
Stodghill, *Wanda Blaisdell,*Ralph Hammond, Amy Jo Zook, Susan S.
Chambers, *Clarence P. Socwell, *Madelyn Eastlund, Budd Powell
Mahan, Doris Stengel, Nancy Baass, Russell H. Strauss, Jeremy M.
Downes, Eleanor Berry, *James Barton, Julie Cummings, and Paul
Past NFSPS Honorary Chancellors
Joseph Auslander, John Crowe Ransom, Glenn Ward Dresbach, Jesse
Stuart, Grace Noll Crowell, Jean Starr Untermeyer, Loring
Williams, Harry M. Meachum, John Williams Andrews, August Derleth,
William E. Stafford, N. Scott Momaday, Richard Armour, Richard
Eberhart, James Dickey, Judson Jerome, John Ciardi, Robert Coles,
Richard Shelton, Marcia Lee Masters, Robert Penn Warren, Richard
Wilber, William E. Stafford, Rodney Jones, Tess Gallagher, Michael
Bugeja, David Wagoner, Maxine Kumin, Naomi Shihab Nye, Li Young
Lee, Lewis Turco, Ted Kooser, Natasha Trethewey, Peter Meinke, Jo
McDougall, David J. Rothman, and Lance Larsen